NY Laser Outlet offers numerous medical and tattoo removal lasers for rent from manufacturers including Alma, Cutera, Cynosure, Candela, Hoya Con Bio, Lumenis, Palomar, Sciton Laser and Syneron. Should our equipment malfunction for any reason, aside from your neglegence, we will have our qualified technicians fix the cosmetic equipment for you at no extra cost. We maintain our lasers, making sure they are always in proper working order. When you rent, the financial burden of maintenance and repairs is not your responsibility. Our customers in New York find that the ability to rent cosmetic laser equipment allows them to manage the real estate in their office much more efficiently. This is something of particular value to our clients in New York City. By renting our cosmetic laser equipment, you can have access to a laser without the responsibility of storing it. Owners of medical laser equipment are responsible to store their devices when they are not in use. Renting a laser gives you the ability to have the finest cosmetic laser product available without having to absorb the financial burden of ownership. A rental can afford you the opportunity to offer your clients comprehensive laser treatment and the flexibility to invest in other aspects of your business. Renting cosmetic laser equipment is the perfect alternative for those who are not interested in purchasing a laser. We rent aesthetic lasers from the following manufacturers: Daily Aethetic Laser Equipment Rentals in New York City We will deliver rental units anywhere within a 3-hour drive of Manhattan. We will deliver the aesthetic laser equipment to your practice, whether you are in New York, Connecticut or New Jersey. Rent Cosmetic Lasers in the Tri-State Area Offer More Cosmetic Services To Your Clients:

Rent / Sell / Training Rent Cosmetic, Medical & Aesthetic Laser Equipment