If all this doesn’t help you, then it might be a temporary issue from Rockstar’s side. If you’re still having issues, try this fix as well. Or maybe use some shortcuts or undetectable cheat tools for the Rick Ross money… Still Having Issues? Time to grind hard for that $75,000 Liberty City Loop horn.
You’ll soon be able to launch your game as soon as the update is done. Now, the update should successfully complete. Run Social Club, sign in, and do that annoying “I’m not a robot” crap once again clicking all the car or road sign images. Step 4: Run Social Club and sign in again Just in case your internet is still not back within about one whole minute, just restart your router/modem. Yes, your internet might be inactive for a few seconds while executing these commands, but they’re completely safe and your ongoing relationship with the internet will be restored within a few seconds. You cannot break your system or the internets with these, don’t worry. These commands will refresh your connection to the realm of the internets, renew your IP address (if you’re not using a static IP), and flush your DNS. NOTE: There is a space after "ipconfig" in all 3 commands Open a command prompt window by pressing the Windows + R keys and typing “CMD” in the “Run” box. Hit Enter and you’ll have a command prompt window in front of you. Now, prepare to look like one of the dudes in those hacker movies, and type these commands (Enter being pressed after each line): ipconfig /release Grand Theft Auto V GTA Online Story Accomplishments Tutorials Playlists Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy The Definitive Edition Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas The Definitive Edition Grand Theft Auto: Vice City The Definitive Edition Grand Theft Auto III The Definitive Edition L.A. Step 3: Apply some CPS (Command Prompt Sorcery) to eliminate any network issues What this does is it forces Social Club to make a crispy and new folder for its data, retrieving new files from Rockstar and copying them into your system properly, which may not have been done in the previous attempt.